Praising your way into the Father's manifest presence

Saint Teresa of Avila once said its like stepping into another room – a room full of treasure unseen till you enter that special room. Its like entering another dimension of time and space really. It’s unlike any experience one can conceive of in this life. It’s another place not of this world, a fourth dimension if you will.

There comes a time when the father manifest his presence in a service or even in our private time, when we are alone with Him. You suddenly sense Him, feel His presence like a warm blanket of His love surrounding you, a sense of awe!

We enter His presence and are suddenly in another room different from anything we have ever experienced ever before.

What am I talking about? Being in the Fathers manifest presence. Sitting at His feet and beholding His beauty and magnificence, being awe struck by his holiness.

But you say, I am saved and I have never had that experience. But I would say to you the father wants that for you. Christianity is not about doctrine or even right thinking – it’s about a relationship with the father through Jesus and what he did on the cross.

It’s Jesus through his blood shed on the cross that leads us to that room, where the Father is. It’s the difference between knowing about God and knowing Him personally. You can read all about God in the Bible but knowing Him takes meeting Him that’s an experience.

The thing that causes us to enter this “other room” is praise, not for what he can do for us or even what he has done, but just for WHO He is. Nothing touches the heart of the Father like praising Him just for WHO He is, it goes right into His father’s heart.

Sadly much of the church doesn’t know we can experience the Father and his love in this life, they think we have to wait till we go to heaven. They even sing songs like “when we all get to heaven”. Jesus said if we loved him we would keep his commandments and he and the Father would MANIFEST themselves to us. This Bliss of presence is for now, eternity starts now – not off in the future.

Let us praise him in the NOW and experience Him and His love NOW in His presence! The father walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. Let’s walk with the Father in the garden of our souls and enjoy His presence!

- by riverkid
[Rv 22:1….And he showed me a pure “river”of water of life, clear as a crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb.]